Overhead form travelers
The Overhead Form Traveler is an equipment capable to execute balanced cantilever construction method of variable and constant depth geometries. It is composed by the Upper structure, anchored to deck, where the forming elements hang from and conforms the geometry.
Rubrica has more than +25 years of experience in this field and more than +50 travelers successfully designed and supplied. The experience gained throughout time in this field allows us to give optimized solutions, being able to say that we are one of the biggest companies performing and developing these type of solutions.
Rubrica Bridges is capable to design the structure or equipment to fit with your requirements, no matter the capacity, length or complex geometry of the deck, we have solutions for you.
Our structures are designed and checked according to European or American Standards, and manufacturing is performed always under certified welders and workshops.
Rubrica helps you to build your bridge with Overhead travelers.